Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Using Widgets > Customizing Widgets > Working with JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets

Working with JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets

You can use JavaScript or a cascading style sheet to add custom functionality or styling to a widget. To do this, place the JavaScript or cascading style sheet (css) instructions in an external file, then register it in the codebehind file.

Here is an example of including a JavaScript file.

void EditEvent(string settings)
JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, _api.SitePath + "widgets/contentblock/jquery.cluetip.js", "EktronJqueryCluetipJS");

Here is an example of including a .css file.

Css.RegisterCss(this, _api.SitePath + "widgets/contentblock/CBStyle.css","CBWidgetCSS");

You must register JavaScript and .css files in an external file, as shown above. If you do not, the OnSubmit event places HTML in the TextArea field in encoded brackets (< >) and generates a dangerous script error.

The JS.RegisterJSInclude and Css.RegisterCss functions take three arguments.



Example (from above code)


A reference to the control that needs the script or style sheet on the page. Typically, ‘this’ or ‘me’.



The URL of the script or style sheet being included.

Ektron recommends prefixing the URL with a site path, so it can be used with URLs like http://localhost/ektrontech and http://ektrontech.

_api.SitePath + "widgets/contentblock/jquery.cluetip.js"

_api.SitePath + "widgets/contentblock/CBStyle.css"


A unique key.

Only include the script specified by a key once.

Your organization should develop a standard way to define JavaScript and .css keys.



Widgets use an update panel for partial postbacks. As a result, the ASP.NET tree view and file upload controls do not work with widgets. Ektron CMS400.NET has workarounds for these functions. For an example of a tree view, see the content block widget (site root/widgets/contentblock.ascx). For an Ajax file uploader, see the flash widget (site root/widgets/flash.ascx).

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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

Ektron Documentation,© 2011 Ektron, Inc.